Must know heritage department changes in NSW

Tessa Boer-Mah 14 May 2020


Who would have thought that the man who called Pythagoras a fraud and was known as “the weeping philosopher” and died of Dropsy (- yes that is real thing) could have come up with a phrase so enduring:

“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus Ancient Greek Philosopher

Heraclitus Ancient Greek Philosopher 37a705546f.jpeg

And in this new millennia, change seems to have sped up, not slowed.

Here are some changes to the divisions and departments who function in the protection and regulation of heritage matters in NSW:

The former “Heritage Division” of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is now referred to as “Heritage NSW”. It is responsible for historic heritage including maintaining the State Heritage Inventory and issuing of heritage approvals under s139, s140, s57, s60 (on behalf of the Heritage Council of NSW). Heritage NSW is part of the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC). Note, however, the information for Heritage NSW is still hosted on the old website

The Aboriginal functions of the Office of Environment and Heritage is now part of the Biodiversity and Conservation Division (BCD) of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). It is responsible for the issuing of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permits (AHIPs) and maintain the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) database.

Other functions of OEH are contained within the Environment, Energy and Science (EES) Group which is also part of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

More info:

Heritage NSW

Department of Planning Industry and Environment



Written by

Tessa Boer-Mah